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Your donation allows us to continue offering our programs at no cost, allowing us to build relationships with youth in Sheridan County, and ultimately share the good news of Jesus Christ! Your gift helps provide the following:

  • Practical Needs - Sheridan KidsLife provides snacks and/or meals as part of virtually every program or event we put on. When we are able, we provide safe transport home from our programs & events for youth who would otherwise have to walk long distances or wait long hours in inclement weather.

  • A Safe Space - Not all students have a safe place at home. The Sheridan KidsLife Klubhaus provides a safe and positive atmosphere for youth to spend their time during the after school hours. Students can grab a snack, work on homework in our study hall, let off some steam in our gymnasium, or play arcade-style games with friends and staff in our game room.

  • Community - Our staff are highly engaged with students during programming time, and often serve as connectors between families and community resources such as churches, food groups, housing services, and counseling agencies.

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.
— Winston Churchill